What is prominent ear?

Genetically or structurally; the angle of the ear with the head may be increased, the ear folds may be underdeveloped, the ear pit called “concha” may be more developed, the earlobe called “lobule” may be larger or more protruding than it should be. The presence of some or all of these deformities reveals the appearance of prominent ears. It is usually seen in both ears, but in some cases, it can be seen unilaterally.

What is the purpose of prominent ear correction?

Children with prominent ears can be ridiculed by their friends. In social life, prominent ears are always tried to be hidden. While men want to hide their ears by growing their hair, women avoid haircuts and do not tie their hair up. Therefore, the main purpose of correcting prominent ear is to reduce the psychological stress in the individual, to help the individual to continue his social life in a self-confident way and to make the individual happy by providing them aesthetic-looking ears.

When can prominent ear surgery be performed?

In order to decide on the time of surgery, the development of the ear cartilage and the age of starting to school are evaluated. The ear should be allowed to grow sufficiently, but the individual should be prevented from being a mocked. Therefore, this surgery can be performed from 5-6 years of age. There is no problem in performing this surgery at an adult age.

What are the factors to be considered in the physical examination before prominent ear surgery?

In the examination, the structure of the ear fold, the depth of conchal bowl, the shape of the earlobe, the angle of the ear with the head and in itself, the quality of the ear cartilage, the aesthetic dimensions and deformities of the ear are evaluated by comparing them with the other ear.

How is prominent ear surgery performed?

The prominent ear correction operation is called “Otoplasty”. It is an operation that takes an average of 1.5 hours. In children, I prefer general anesthesia because it is difficult for children to adapt. In the adult age group, it can be performed under local anesthesia, sedation, or under general anesthesia depending on the preference of the patient and the doctor.

Many methods have been described for prominent ear correction. In the method that I use most frequently in my own practice, the ear cartilage is accessed through an incision designed to be hidden in post-auricular fold (behind the fold of the ear). Permanent stitches are placed to correct the deformities that cause the prominent ear, the desired shape is given to the ear, the ear fold is formed and the angle between the ear and the head is narrowed. If necessary, some cartilage can be excised, and the incision is closed.

What is the post-operative period after prominent ear correction?

A special dressing is applied to the patient to protect the new shape and reduce edema. The patient can go home on the day of surgery or the next day. One day after the surgery, the surgical dressing is removed and a band similar to the headband worn by tennis players is attached to the patient. Pain is an expected situation in the first 1-2 days after the operation, but this pain responds to drugs and quickly decreases over time. In addition, depending on the procedure, the ear will be edematous and reddened. This situation is maximum on the 3rd day. Most of the swelling and redness in the ears will decrease at the end of the 3rd week. Headband should be used until this period. You can take a shower 2 days after the procedure. The sutures used in the skin incision are absorbing sutures and these sutures do not need to be removed.

Is prominent ear surgery a permanent surgery? Does it need to be repeated?

In this surgery, a permanent shape is given to the cartilages with permanent sutures and this shape is expected to be preserved. Therefore, the result of this surgery is permanent. However, although rare, the angles may widen again due to the opening of the suture, suture reactions or trauma. In such cases, minor interventions may be required.

Would both ears be 100% symmetrical?

While the ears may not be 100% symmetrical before the surgery, there may be some difference between ttwo ears in the postoperative period. However, with the right technique and meticulous surgery, it is aimed to minimize this difference as much as possible.

Will there be any visible scars in this surgery?

There is an incision so there will definitely be a scar in this surgery. However, since it will be hidden in the fold behind the ear (post-auricular fold), it is almost impossible to notice this scar from the outside. This scar, which is hidden in the natural fold, becomes indistinguishable over time.

What are the complications of prominent ear surgery?

Complication rates after this surgery are very low. The most common complication is the recurrence of the deformity, which is caused by an increase in the angles again. However, with the right technique, this rate is quite low. Blood accumulation in the ear called hematoma and infection are very rare complications but they should be treated quickly.


This surgery, which can be performed with local anesthesia, sedation or under general anesthesia, has a short recovery time, low complication rates and permanent results. However, it should be kept in mind that 100% symmetry is not usually possible and there is a rare chance of recurrence. This surgery, which has a high satisfaction rate with a correct physical examination and a meticulously performed surgery, increases the patient’s self-confidence, and promises the patient more aesthetic-looking ears. Best regards.




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