
As Dr. Mert Ersan, my goals in nose surgery are; being aware of the importance of function as well as shape, to increase your self-confidence as much as possible by obtaining a nose which breathes superbly, using techniques that cause minimal trauma with minimal damage to the existing anatomy, obtaining a new nose shape without disturbing the natural which will suit your face in the most beautiful way

Breast Augmentation Aesthetics

It's time to meet the breasts of your dreams! With breast augmentation aesthetics, we offer solutions that will increase the self-confidence of women and make them feel better.

Blepharoplasty and Periocular Rejuvenation

Reclaim your youth with Eyelid and Eye Area Aesthetics, and bring out the natural beauty of your eyes. Contact us to achieve a younger, fresher, and more dynamic appearance.

Fat Injection (Lipofilling)

With the right intervention, anything you imagine is possible. It's time to make your dreams come true to look beautiful, feel good and increase your self-confidence. You can contact us to reach a more beautiful image with methods that will not risk your health.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Mert Ersan
Plastic Surgeon

Hello! I’m Op. Dr Mert Ersan, I am a plastic surgeon. Since 2015, I have undergone numerous operations in this field, and as a result of all these successful operations, I have gained hundreds of happy patients and clients. Based on all these experiences; Before the operation, the patient’s history, background, physical examination, imaging methods, understanding mutual demands and requests, evaluating whether the expectations are realistic and meeting a common point are perhaps the most important stages of the surgery.

Aesthetic Surgery Requires Expertise

Choose the Right Implementation

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation (“augmentation mammoplasty”) surgery is the most frequently performed aesthetic operation in the world (ISAPS Global Survey 2020). This surgery is performed in individuals who have developmentally small breasts, who have lost some of the breast tissue for any reason (burns, traumas, surgeries etc..), who have difficulty choosing clothes and who have self-confidence problems. This surgery is done in order to obtain a more voluminous, larger, fuller and better breast shape.

Fat Injection

Fat injection, lipofilling, fat filling or autologous fat transfer is the transfer of one’s own fat tissue from one area to another.


Rhinoplasty operation with the increasing popularity day by day, is the 4th in the world and the most common aesthetic operation performed in Turkey according to the “ISAPS Global Survey 2020”. It is possible to find information about this surgery in many websites. Therefore, instead of giving general information or talking about a technique, I will talk about my concept.

Lip Fillers

Filler application is the process of injecting substances that are suitable for use, for the treatment of volume loss, depressions, and for medium and deep wrinkles.

About Us

Why do our clients choose us?

First of all, we aim to provide the best result in accordance with the needs and expectations of each client, together with our expert and experienced surgical team. In addition, we make the surgical process faster, safer and more painless by using modern and up-to-date technologies.


Number of operations


Number of Clients


Past client comments

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Before and after the procedure

  • Rhinoplasty
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Happy Clients

Skillful hands, a smiling face, and magnificent results, that's Mert @opdrmertersan for you.

Sema Yalman Cansever

I couldn't agree more about naturalness, and I'm also glad I chose you for this, Mert @opdrmertersan.

Elif Selim Sarı

Congratulations on your skill and effort. I had no doubt that the process would go well. Thank you so much for everything, Mert

İlayda Çetin

Thank you so much for not letting our trust go in vain. I am so glad I trusted you, and I am so glad we have met you.

Buket Şimşek

I am so lucky, thank you my dear doctor @opdrmertersan. I trusted you so much, and I knew it would be great because of Mert's touches.

Gamze Kılıç

I was so sure that my trust in you would not be in vain, and I am very happy. Congratulations on your effort, and thank you so much.

Huri Belkeviç

Thank you so much, doctor. Your effort is greatly appreciated, and I am grateful to you and everyone who contributed to this. Congratulations on your skill.

Tan Doğan

Congratulations on your skill and effort, doctor. I made the right decision by trusting you. Thanks to you, I can now breathe more easily and I am very happy with the outcome. Thank you again for everything.

Hilal Çetin

"My dear doctor, I entrusted my face to you and you gave me the most beautiful nose possible. You patiently answered all my questions before and after the surgery. I am so glad to have met you. Thank you so much for everything, you are a lifesaver.

Asena Bal

The happiness I feel from the interest, smiles, warmth, and most importantly, the trust you have given me is indescribable. Thank you so much for helping me go through the entire process in the most comfortable and healthy way.

Merve Gökkaya

You are amazing. Your skill combined with your smiling face leads to successful and beautiful results. Congratulations and well done.

Havva Söğütoğlu

It is really very natural and beautiful, and I congratulate your talent, effort, knowledge, and perspective.

Sara Yurik

Congratulations, your work is very natural and magnificent. Thank you for your effort and skills.


From the artist's perspective, we see the reflection of functionality and aesthetics in harmony through a naturalist approach that breaks aesthetic taboos.

Fatma Önalan

My satisfaction is evident from the fact that I made it my profile picture even before the tapes were released. @dr.mertersan


@op.dr.mertersan The best thing we can see here is something that cannot be disputed, which has come to break the norms.

Emrah Seyhan

So natural that you definitely have a style, you have a difference @op.dr.mertersan

Sevda Selahattin Demircan

Trusting you, I made the right decision. Well done to your hands and hard work. We are very lucky that you have made our lives beautiful with your little touches. I can't thank you enough. ❤ @dr.mertersan

Rumeysa Boğazköy

Take a closer look at the difference
Before and after the procedure

  • Breast Repair
Breast Repair
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